The Animas River Wetlands mitigation bank is classified as a general mitigation bank open to the public for projects that require offsite mitigation. Animas River Wetlands will establish and maintain aquatic habitats and upland buffers until it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the agencies represented on the Interagency Review Team (IRT) that the wetlands are healthy and functioning. Patti Zink
Creating diverse habitat niches will ensure a diverse plant community within the targeted wetland zones, and will provide greater opportunities for utilization by various wildlife species. Habitat diversity will increase and expand the multiplicity and productivity of invertebrate food webs, thereby expanding the vertebrate food webs. In addition, the wetland bank will provide ecological functions including: flood abatement and surface water storage, nutrient cycling and retention of elements, and increase wetland interspersion along the Animas River. Wetlands can be found in every country and every climatic zone in the United States and around the world. Use of a mitigation bank to compensate for the lose of wetlands can be preferable to on-site mitigation because it will:
Furthermore, in most cases, even when on-site mitigation efforts are commenced at the earliest stage of project construction, there is some temporal loss of wetland function and value. In cases where the mitigation will take the form of restoration at the completion of project construction, the temporal loss may be several months, or even years. When the mitigation is accomplished through the purchase of wetland mitigation credits from an off-site Bank, the mitigation is in place before the project commences and temporal loss is greatly reduced or eliminated all together. For information about purchasing credits: Patti Zink