Our goal is to create a wetland where birds, native fish, and wetland plants can thrive. If you are interested in assisting with the creation of wetlands and the preservation of this land, please contact us at 970-247-0206 or email us. Wetland plants include: cattails, bulrushes, sedges, willows, cottonwoods and showy flowers like marsh marigolds, fringed gentian, and elephant’s head. Cattails offer protective cover for birds and their young. At Animas River Wetlands, we limited the amount of cattails, as they can crowd out other species making the wetland habitat less diverse and thus less useful to wildlife Wetland plants survive in water saturated conditions. They bring air, containing oxygen, through their stems, down to their roots. Wetland plants are very efficient and recycle their leaf nutrients back to the roots when the leaf dies. Wetlands as an ecosystem is vital to both humans and wildlife.